How Is the Technical Inspection for Cabs Carried Out?

The technical control of a car must be done frequently to avoid nasty surprises. It is the same for cabs. Find out how a technical inspection for cabs is carried out in this article.

The checklist for cabs

In addition to technical control, certain checks must be made to ensure that a car can circulate without incident. It is necessary to check the functionality of the brakes, the steering, the visibility (windshield, rearview mirror, etc.), the lighting, and the signaling. It is also necessary to check the shock absorbers and the tires for better adherence to the car’s ground.

For vehicles used as cabs, additional checks must be made:

– presence of the “Taxi” sign;

– Checking the taximeter, which gives the fare for the route taken by the car;

– visibility of the plate indicating the legality of the cab to exercise its profession, with the parking authorization number.

Important points to check to avoid a countercheck:

Vehicle registration

The number plates on the front and rear of the vehicle are to ensure compliance with the regulations in force. Indeed, the lettering must correspond with the registration certificate.


If you notice that the brake pads and discs are worn, it is essential to replace them. When driving, if you see that there is a failure during braking, it means that the braking system is in bad condition.


The elements in contact with the ground are the first guarantors of braking quality. This is why regular tire checks are essential. First, it is necessary that the pressure inside them is correct and that they are without deformation, such as the presence of tears in the sidewalls or foreign bodies in the tread, etc…

Shock absorbers

From time to time, it is necessary to visually check for oil stains to avoid deformation of the shock absorber rod or body.


If your exhaust emits black smoke when you start up, the pollution level of your car should be checked.


This includes checking the condition of the windshield and windows, wipers, and mirrors. Make sure the outside mirrors are correctly adjusted.

Lighting and signage

All of your front and rear lights must work properly to comply with traffic laws (turn signals, hazard warning signals, license plate lighting, etc.).

Interior Equipment

To keep you and your passenger comfortable, it’s essential to ensure your equipment works correctly, such as the seating arrangement and the seat belts. If you have a baby seat, we recommend removing it before the technical inspection.

The result

The approved inspector will draw up a report if the car passes the inspection without a second inspection. This report is given to the owner of the vehicle. As for the following technical inspection, it is indicated on the registration certificate on which a stamp is stuck. Then, a sticker of the technical control, indicating the month and the year limit of its validity will be stuck by the approved controller on the windshield.

If there are any problems with the car, a second inspection will be carried out within two months from the date of the technical inspection so that any repairs can be made.

The car must be repaired if the following defects are found

– tire fixing problems ;

– defects in the lighting system and electrical problems;

– the braking system does not work properly;

– sometimes, the steering and wheels are blocked.

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