Never Miss Out Brake Repairs!

– Disc brakes and drum brakes
– Brake wear: symptoms, causes and solutions
– Regular overhaul of the braking system
– Brake overhaul price
– DIY: simple diagnosis but complicated maintenance

Just like shocks or clutches, brakes are important parts of the car for your safety. The brakes must be in perfect working condition to guarantee you real safety and because the highway code requires it.

Disc and drum brakes

Most vehicles use:

– either disc brakes, usually mounted on the front of the vehicle;

– or drum brakes, usually mounted in the rear.

But you may also encounter other configurations.

Brake wear: symptoms, causes and solutions

Whether they are disc or drum brakes, brakes get hot, as they convert the car’s speed into heat.

This is how they wear out and can show symptoms, which should lead to a check or replacement.

Case 1

Symptoms observed: The pedal is hard, high effort is needed to brake

Possible reasons:

– Problem with the brake assist (brake servo).

– Wear of the linings or pads.

– Seized wheel caliper or cylinder in the case of drum brake.

– Lining or pads dirty with brake fluid.    

What to do?      

– Replace of the entire brake system.

– Check the linings or pads, before replacement if necessary.

– Check the caliper or wheel cylinder and, if necessary, repair or replace with new ones.

– After locating any leak, repairing it and replace any dirty linings or pads.

Case 2

Symptoms observed: Front brakes grunt

Possible reasons: Front disc brake pads worn down to the sheet metal.               

What to do: Replace discs and pads.

Case 3

Symptoms observed: Pedal softens gently – Hydraulic fluid leak between first and second master cylinder body (rare)

Possible reasons: Air in the hydraulic system (rare).

What to do: Emergency master cylinder replacement after identifying the leak. Put your car in the hands of a professional! There is a need to bleed the hydraulic system.

Case 4

Symptoms observed: Vehicle pulls to one side when braking – Uneven wear of pads or linings

Possible reasons:

– Seized wheel caliper or cylinder.

– Lining or pads dirty with brake fluid.

What to do:

– Check and change pads or linings if necessary.

– Check wheel caliper or wheel cylinder and repair or replace as necessary.

– After locating any leak, repair it and change the dirty linings or pads.

Case 5

Symptoms observed: Vibrations felt at the pedals

Possible reasons:

– Defective disc or drum.             

What to do:

– Check and repair the disc or drum or replace as necessary.

Regular inspection of the brake system

The brake system consists of several components, including discs or pads or drums, and fluid. It is important that you do not miss the brake service and that you read the maintenance booklet, which gives you all the information you need.

Several operations are possible at specific intervals:

Items Action to be taken Year or mileage
Brake fluid Check 10 000 km
Brake discs Check 20 000 km
Front brake pads Replace 30 000 km
Rear brake pads Replace 30 000 km
Drum brake lining Check 60 000 km
Brake system Drain 2 years (or 60,000 km)

Brake overhaul price

The cost of maintaining a car is such that it is advisable to make well-considered comparisons before embarking on costly overhauls:

– Read the instructions given by the manufacturer and in particular the duration of your guarantee in this matter.

– The difference in price between front and rear disc brakes reflects the price difference between the different components of the braking system.

– For example, you can find a price difference of $50 between front and rear disc brakes. Fixed prices can sometimes be advantageous in this case, but you should always be careful to be aware of the details of the operations actually carried out.

– Knowing your car garage can also help you avoid unjustified expenses.

DIY: simple diagnosis but complicated maintenance

The various symptoms of defective brakes are easy to detect if you pay attention to the behaviour of your vehicle.

However, checking or changing certain parts requires the possession of certain equipment.

In addition, the manufacturer’s warranty imposes standards that must really be applied, or else the warranty will be lost in the event of a problem related to a poor intervention.

It is therefore preferable to contact a professional, whether it is a manufacturer, auto centre or auto repairer.

Do you want more information before making the choice of taking your car to a garage? You will find essential information through a variety of posts on this blog to help you in your choices. From simple car hacks to great tips on car maintenance, there is a plethora of articles to read and apply. Don’t forget to write your comments below.

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